The contribution and purpose of journalism in the society is crucial. We live in a democratic society where the role of media is extremely important. It’s responsible for representing the voice of the common people. While journalism has been simply defined as the process of providing people with vital information to lead their lives, it’s a multifaceted phenomenon that impacts every decision and every individual of the society in one way or the other. That is why the best colleges for journalism are preparing the youth, the future of our society, for taking part in this significant work. It is not just a profession; it is a way of life to impart nothing but the truth to the millions of common people across the globe.
Speaking of truth, there’s something called yellow journalism that can be discussed here. In simple words, it is the spreading of information which has not been well-researched or does not come from a reliable source. It might sound harmless to some but this simple thing has the power of turning things upside down. Yellow journalism goes against the professional ethics as well. To refrain from practicing it, knowingly or unknowingly, one has to give due importance to fact checking.
What is fact checking?
To maintain a healthy democratic situation, fact checking is of utmost importance in journalism. It not only upholds your journalistic ethics but also ensures a balance in the society by providing the correct information to the people. In the contemporary times, fact checking is the most powerful tool against fake news and propaganda that can easily create unrest in the society. Owing to the importance of fact checking, there are many organizations established internationally for this very purpose. In fact, different non-media aligned organizations are also dedicating their time and effort towards fact checking before letting any information out.
Why is it important or journalistic work?
The spread of misinformation can backfire in the worst possible ways. That is why fact checking is being undertaken in terms of claim selection. The sole purpose of fact checking has already been defined properly. It is to draw a line between journalism and other content. To have the power to influence what people believe in and what they don’t, is immense. Fulfilling this powerful responsibility is the duty of the many students who are currently studying in the best university for journalism in Delhi.
The concept of fake news dates back to many years ago but as time has progressed; its objective and usage have undergone a massive transformation. At present, the term is thrown around most commonly to demean any unflattering report. In a certain way, this represents the scepticism of the audience. With the spread of so much misinformation, they don’t know what to believe in anymore.
Concept of “Fake News”- How it actually works?
This is where fact checking can play its crucial role and change the scenario. While published falsehood can have a drastic impact- from tarnishing the reputation of a certain name to causing riots, it can only be combated by fact checking. The primary aim is to prevent an incorrect statement to go viral and if it does, the duty of a responsible journalist is to debunk it with facts.
If you’re studying in one of the best IP university colleges for journalism in Delhi, then you will certainly be taught about the value of fact checking and how it is an intrinsic part of your career. In the current times, fake news has become quite a common problem in the arena of journalism so much that marketing tactics and journalism are overlapping. It is indeed a serious problem and needs to be handled with caution by the present journalism students by fact checking every information before letting it out to the public. That is how a sense of trust will be fostered among the readers and viewers. We are all quite aware of the triggering emotions experienced while reading a significant news headline. Journalistic ethics paired with the practice of fact-checking is ensuring not to use it against the public.
Lingaya’s Lalita Devi Institute of Management & Sciences is a well-known college for journalism in South Delhi. For years, it has been able to maintain a consistent reputation in upholding the journalistic standards by providing specialised training to its students and ensuring they succeed in the forthcoming days. LLDIMS has only strived towards excellence to make the students ready for fighting and surviving in the land of corrupted ideals filled with fake information and propaganda.
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